Monday, 16 November 2015

Research and Planning - understanding and applying Narrative Codes and Theories to my own work

Tuesday 17th November: cover work
P2-part 1 .   please complete a  brief outline of your story. Then you will be generating and refining your ideas for storyline and for plot still further 

P2&3 - you will be constructing Narratives and exploring how to add stretch, challenge and sophistication to initial ideas. This will add more complexity to your work. .improve your mark and ensure the best outcome and grade.  Read the second powerpoint below which outlines different narrative theories. . Present 5 different versions of your narratives each fulfilling the 'rules' of one of the different narrative theories. E.g. you could do Propp, Barthes Enigma AND Action code, Todorov  and finally Cameron's episodic structure.  It is okay to present in different methods.  Eg mind map.  Flow diagram.  paragraph..... . FINALLY make a table to show 5 film examples for each of the Narrative theories.  
Homework - complete and upload by Thursday this week - catch up all missing work

Monday, 9 November 2015

10 weeks to go until exhibition and distribution time

AIDAN!!!!! YOU HAVE LOCKED YOUR BLOG AGAIN I cannot mark it - and no uplaods at all from you again this week

Harley - no uploads since last lesson?? what is happening - i expect to see generation of ideas / storyboards etc

Em - lovely content and a real depth of understanding but ditto the comment above - where is your production plan / storyboard / generation of ideas

Adam/Lily - excellent planning methods - I am hoping that there is creative work to upload
Adam - prep for a photoshoot p3-Tues - using the soft boxes and sheets - you will need helpers to stretch and model / also write out the plot outline scene by scene
Lily - model time - get it sketched and then begin making - new Plasticine is ordered - should be here this week

please be on time

As I teach you only every Tuesday I need you to Upload all material by Sunday evening then i have time to read it and prepare the lesson materials 
Try this site for guidance on standards