Monday, 14 December 2015

14 / 12 - development of ideas and planning for production

This is only a brief reminder re timescale and personal organisation

  1. Remember to plan all three elements synchronously: plan each individually but consider how they link and relate, what tasks and production elements will be needed for each and where is there intertextuality? How will all three borrow interest, relate and work together as a group of promotional materials?
  2. Animators - you need props, scenery and the models completed ready for filming by the end of the holiday at the very very latest
  3. Live action film-makers - you should be filming over the holiday period
  4. Poster design - blogs should include research into the conventions of the three different kinds of poster (Theatrical / Character / Teaser) as well as the conventions, technical and symbolic codes and audiences ( think layout/shape/size/typography/iconography/representation/readability)
  5. Sound - remember the Priest / Se7en extract we analysed last year: how was sound constructing meaning for the audience: what levels of sound will you use: diegetic / non-diegetic / synchronous / asynchronous / contrapunctal/parallel (Parallel sounds are what we expect to hear with that Genre or Images / Contrapunctal sounds are sounds that do not seem to fit the Genre/Image: E.G. in a fight scene one does not expect to hear classical music but it can be used as a juxtaposition to amplify how the audience experiences emotion/reads meaning. / rock music with a fast pace over the scene would be considered Parallel sound.
this week - you need to to move forward significantly covering the elements outlined above - make sure in your tutorial that you check for TFS: Tips for Success and Targets 

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